No need to play the drums naked anymore…

Good news for drummers, even better news for audiences! Naked drumming is a thing of the past, thanks to

We’ve teamed up with Vistaprint to offer a free T-Shirt with every custom drum head ordered. Of course, nothing in life is actually free, so you have to pay Vistaprint around £3 for shipping, but since you get to upload your own design for free it’s pretty good value.

Anyway, to enable you to get hold of the T-Shirt without actually having to order a drum head we thought we’d put the link up for a couple of days as a special ‘Blog Offer’ – it’ll be taken down on Friday so if you want to take advantage do so asap. Band logo at the ready….here’s the link:

Get me a free T-Shirt so I don’t have to drum naked anymore!
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var uri = '; + new String (Math.random()).substring (2, 11);
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Enjoy your shirt